The most pressured month for my company's financial year ended yesterday. Management expectation was high as the month's result will make sure that we hit (or did not hit) the year's financial target for my department. And we did it, with huge deficit. That with some hiccups during the final week that resulted in the management querried on my leadership style and quality and put tremendous pressure on me, and me putting unnecessary pressure on my staff for problems that was due to wrong reporting by other unit. How would you feel to have your ability openly questioned by management because other team had failed to give correct report (at that time I was not aware of the wrong reporting, that saw huge amount of my collection unreported and was really upset. I had no way to explain to my bosses and in the end reacted negatively to my staff). However I knew how my staff works and what they were capable of. So I got (forced) them to work extra hours and on weekend to manually check the result instead of relying on the other team report. True enough, my staff did a lot better than reported. And not a word said by my bosses when the official result came out today. Not an apology for unjust judgement before (not expected but highly appreciated if ever materialise) or at least an aknowledgement for job well done (also not expected). Life goes on... and I owe my staff lunch.
These few weeks I'll be busy with presentation and planning for new financial year. A new cycle awaits..
Bukan susah mana pun
6 years ago
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