Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

A friend of mine, an Indian lady at the office sent me this poem. Ever since he found out that I love to read, she always send me poems, short stories, quotes from famous people, etc. Some are really nice but none touch me the way this poem did.

“Daddy's Little Girl"
Her hair up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow
Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go
But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home
Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say
What to tell her classmates, on this Daddy's day
But still her mommy worried, for her to face this day alone
And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.

But the little girl went to school, eager to tell them all
About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls
There were daddies along the wall in back for everyone to meet.
Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats.

One by one the teacher called, a student from the class to introduce their daddy as seconds slowly passed.
At last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare
Each of them were searching, for a man who wasn't there
"Where's her daddy at?" she heard a boy call out
"She probably doesn't have one," another student dared to shout
And from somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say "Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy to waste his day."

The words did not offend her, as she smiled at her friends
And looked back at her teacher who told her to begin.
And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak and out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique.

"My Daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could, be with me on this day."
"And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know
All about my Daddy,
And how much he loves me so."

"He loved to tell me stories, he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses and taught me to fly a kite."
"We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him, I'm not standing here alone."
"Cause my Daddy's always with me, even though we are far apart.
I know because he told me, he's forever in my heart."

With that her little hand reached up, and lay across her chest
Feeling her own heartbeat, beneath her favorite dress.
And from some where in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years.
For she stood up for the love, of a man not in her life doing what was best for her, doing what was right.

And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft but its message clear and loud.
" I love my Daddy very much, he's my shining star, and if he could, he'd be here now but heaven is much to far."
"but sometimes when I close my eyes, it's like he never went away."
And then she closed her eyes, and she saw him there that day.

And to her mother's amazement she witnessed with surprise
A room full of Daddies and Children all starting to close their eyes.
Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside
Perhaps for merely a second they saw him at her side.

"I know you're with me Daddy," to the silence she called out
And what happened next made believers, of those once filled with doubt
Not one in that room could explain it for each of their eyes had been closed but there placed on her desk was a beautiful pink rose.

This poem was written by one Cheryl Costello-Forshey, for a little girl that lost her father in Gulf War. I may not agree with the war, but the feeling of loss is just as great whatever the reason was. I am not a girl, but I knew how it felt to lose one's father for I lost mine when I was 14. And I pray to Allah, never to take me away from my daughters until they've all grown up with a great family, extremely wonderful husband and an old father is no needed in their life. Hannah & Sarah, I LOVE YOU as you'd never be love by anyone, except your mother.

Sorry, tiba-tiba tersyahdu lak..


4-a&nazrah said...

so touching...........oh, i ter emosi, seperti mana harapan u pada your daugthers, itu juga harapan i pada my sons.....insyaallah..

amiechomel said...

apa salahnya tersyahdu sekali sekala, that shows that you're as normal a father can be.

yeah, i felt touched as well. i was just 7 years old when dad was taken away from us. so, love our kids to the fullest, for without us, they'll have noone else to turn to.

Unknown said...

I'm touching also! Td I x dpt nak respon sbb I dh tersyahdu! Mari kita semua mengirim doa untuknya yg telah 24 tahun meninggalkan kita.Semoga dia ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan diampunkan segala dosa-dosanya.

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