Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hilangkan Tension

Minggu lepas tu sibuk la dengan sesangat2nyer sebab nak kena buat staff appraisal for this financial year (our FY ended in March). Adala gak yg tak puas ati sebab perasan bagus tapi aku bagi markah rendah je. Siap protes cam budak2 lak tu, tension aku, tapi kenala jadi fair to everyone, yg KPI bagus bagilah lebih sikit, kalau sama je semua staff nanti yg bagus pulak hilang motivation nak kerja kuat, yg malas tu lagila pulak malasnya. This appraisal will determine their promotion and/or salary increment taun ni.. lain kali kalau nak naik pangkat atau gaji lebih, result kena la lebih baik dari yg lain, kerja lak jangan berkira, kalau mintak kerja extra hour pun bukannya selalu. Aku dulu pun kena keje sampai malam2 dan dtg ofis hujung2 minggu. Paling aku angin kalau staff guna alasan famili untuk elakkan tugas2 lebih sikit (biasanye yg pompuan la tu, tapi ada gak female staff yg ada anak kecik lagi tapi takde problem pun.. tu yg aku takleh terima tu... Pastu cakap aku tak paham sebab aku ni lelaki, alah, my bini tu pun tiap2 sabtu pun pergi sekolah gak walaupun kerja kat rumah bertimbun OK je, aku taula masalahnya tapi dah kita ni kerja makan gaji, nak wat camner..). Lepas tu kalau markah kurang kata boss pilih kasih lak.. Sebenarnya memang pilih kasih pun, pilih yg mana lebih komited ngan kerja, hehe.

Tension2 tu, semalam (Saturday) pun pegi kerja (tunjuk conth yg baik kat staff, beb), jadi hari ni masa bersuka2 ngan famili la lak. Aku angkut ank bini + pak ngah (despite what we called him, is actually my nephew) pegi Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon fiesta (kat Putrajaya la tu..). Sampai belum pukul 10 lagi, orang pun punyala ramainya tapi belon2 semua dah turun, tinggal satu je. Diorg start subuh2 lagi sebab takleh cuaca panas katanya.. kalau nak tengok show ada lagi tapi petang tu pukul 5.30. Takkan nak tunggu sampai petang kot...

Kat belakang tula satu2nye belon yg masih ada kat situ. Nasib baikla ada Pakngah, dapatla bergambo ber4, kalau tak aku ni tukang amik gambo ajela..

Ada gak show paragliding (agaknyela namanye ni..) tapi dah nak abis dah, diaorang dah nak turun pun.

Ada gak fair kat situ, tapi benda2nye takde yg menarik.. boring je..
Jadi aku balik KL pegi Karyaneka sempena Hari Kraf Kebangsaan. Menarik gak, orang pun ramai giler. Nak parking pun susah, atas divider pun orang parking.

Barang2 pun menarik gak..Hangus banyak gak la duit ringgit kat situ.. hehe, janji hati puas, beb.

Hannah ni selalunya payah betul kalau nak suruh posing, pastu mesti masam je kalau amik gambar. Tapi yg ni dia nak sangat bergambar.. masalahnya lubang kepala tu tinggi sangat la pulak..

Luas giler karyaneka ni, tak abis tengok semua pun sebab penat jalan. Tapi sempat gakla berehat makan aiskrim, hehe..

Hasil daripada berjalan2 tu ialah :

Tapi my bini pun cam tak puas lagi tu, ada lagi la yg nak beli tu... Hmm, nak kena pegi lagi ke next week?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cuti2 KL

Sekolah cutiaku pun nak cuti gak. Ingat nak pegi jalan2 cuti2 Malaysia, pegi Melaka ke, Perak ke, atau sekurang2nye pegi Jerantut (Ari tu pegi Temerloh cam dekat je rasanye, at least kat sana boleh gi Taman Negara, kalau la ada org nak terima kat sana) ataupun balik kampung. Tapi atas sebab2 yg tak dapatla dielakkan, terpaksala cuti2 KL je, bawak Sarah pegi jumpa skin specialist untuk follow up kes eczema dia, pegi Sg Wang, pegi makan rumah kawan, tukar2 susun atur perabut kat rumah dan sebagainya. (ilmu yg diperolehi : lain kali buat plan awal2 la sket, barula semua benda jadi).

Pastu hari ni, bawak famili pegi Taman Burung, kira bercuti jugak la tu...

Baru sampai, posing dulu...

Bagi burung makan.. bapaknye yg terover, anaknye takut.

Peacock, Hannah suka tengok belakang dari depan, camner tu?

Penat jalan, berenti makan aiskrim dulu (as always).
Esok kerja dah, huhu....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fuiyoo Magic!

Bagaimanakah menukar cellphone Nokia N73 menjadi Nokia E71?
BOLEHkah cellphone Nolia N73 beertukar menjadi Nokia E71?
B O L E H !!!
Ya, boleh, aku dah buat dan dah hari ni.. TERBUKTI JADI! Kalau tuan puan semua tak percaya boleh cuba.. MESTI JADI!
Caranya ialah :
1. Masukkan Nokia E73 ke dalam mesin basuh.
2. Tutup cover dia dan pasang mesin basuh itu.
3. Selepas selesai cuci, E73 yang bersih akan bertukar menjadi E71.
4. Walaubagaimanapun, tahap kejayaan adalah bergantung kepada bahan pencuci yang digunakan, kalau setakan sabun yg murah2 tu harus tak jadinya..

BUKTI ? Lihatlah gambar seblum & selepas ini :

Sebelum : N73

Selepas : E71

Ya tuan2 & puan2, semalam my wife yg begitu rajin tu telah membuat keputusan bahawa cellphone N73 aku tu dah kotor sangat dah, jadi dengan baikhatinya telah mencuci cellphone itu dengan seluar baju yg lain. Hasilnya, selepas bersih ia telah bertukar menjadi E71. Mungkin kerana terendam dalam air membuatkannya kembang sebab tu jadi besar sikit. Malah, tahap kebersihannya juga membuatkannya bersinar berkilauan. Mungkinkah selepas dibasuh sekali lagi akan bertukar menjadi yang makin beasr dan canggih lagi macam public phone tuh?

Oh, terimakasih isteriku..

Sunday, March 8, 2009


These are why my Maulidur Rasul resolution will be a great success :

1. Pagi2 yg masih buta lagi, immediately lepas semayang subuh aku dah keluar pegi brisk walk ikut Jalan Cempaka, masuk Taman Nirwana terus ke Kg Pandan Dalam tapi tak jadi ke Angsana Hilir & Desa Pandan sebab macam lutut nak kejang je.. (wah, belum apa2 lagi dah macam sportsman nih, hui.. petanda kejayaan yang begitu cemerlang akan dicapai tak lama lagi ni..). Terus potong ikut Pandan Utama balik Cempaka. Lgi pun bini aku kerja lak semalam, mana boleh balik lewat2, saper nak jaga anak2. Kalau tak jauh lagi aku bjalan tu, itu pun dah dekat 45 minit dah..

2. Masa bini aku pegi sekolah, aku angkut budak2 tu gi playground kat Taman Maluri. Bepeluh gila tu main ngan budak2 ni.. [BTW, tgh2 drive balik rumah tiba2 BEDEBUK!! Si Sarah jatuh terpeleot, kepala kat atas lantai kaki kat atas seat, hehe.. Dia punya car seat dalam kereta wife, so terpaksala aku letak je Sarah kat backseat cam tu je. Alamak, camne nak berenti ni? Kat tepi tu ada curb lak tu. Terpaksa aku suruh Hannah tlg angkat tapi si Hannah tu main tarik tangan adik dia sebelah camtu je, makin la meraung adik dia..Haha (tak serius la tu, kalau tak takdela aku gelak je..tapi tak bole lupala masa aku pusing belakang dan tengok reaction Sarah, dengan muka terpenyek kat atas lantai sebelum dia setart meraung, cam konfius je.. haha, bapak yg tak baik btul aku ni.. ]

3. Hari ni aku pusing kat 5 round tu laluan joging kat Town Park, Pandan Indah. Almost 1 jam tu. Tengok org ramai2 berexcercise kat situ memang terangsang gile lah aku. Tak sabar ni nak mempertontokan keseksian six pack aku kepasa masyarakat dunia nih... Oh, tak dapat dibayangkan rupa bentuk aku menjelang Hari Raya ni..

4. Bawak famili pegi Butterfly Park hari ni. Best giler tu! Budak2 ni bukan main excited lagi. Kat Butterfly Park tu bukan setakat tengok Rama-Rama je, tapi ada kura kura, ada ular sawa, ada ikan, siap boleh bagi makan lagi tu. Si Hannah bukan nak tengok rama-rama sangat, tapi nak bagi makan ikan & kura2 yg lebih. Tapi tempat tu cam berbukit2 sikut, turun naik kat situ yg pasti akan buat otot2 aku makin pejal tu, perut pun makin kempis. Silap2 bukan aku je kurus kempis, bini aku pun sekali! Haha..

Tu baru 2 hari tu, bayangkan kalau 2 minggu? 2 Bulan?? Esok nak gi Shamelin lak.. Lepas tu pegi Low Yat.. Pegi Low Yat?? Hmmm, thank you wife.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

10 kg? eleh, kacang je tu..

I’m on diet, starting TONIGHT! Yes, On D I E T!!! That’s why wife and children took dinner without me. Hahahahahahaha…. I am almost 70kg and that will be the heaviest I would ever be, this is certain. I knew it, and will make sure that this 487th attempt to downsize me will definitely be a success. I will weight less than 60kg by Hari Raya. This is SO going to happen, Hari Raya is so far away, I just need to lose 1 kg per month… Reasonable target, don’t you think?

I had made many attempts before, but all failed for reasons beyond my control, you see, like my wife good food (Yes, SINFULLY GOOD! Who could resist her famous Nasi Ayam, or Nasi Biryani or even Ikan Goreng? And whenever she thought that I needed to be fed with something if I did not take rice during lunch, or skipped dinner, she will make me some cokodok or goreng pisang or makanan2 sejenisnya. Was it my fault that Malay foods are almost all goreng2an, or made with santan, or very berlemak or such?) And suddenly my friends will all decided to invite me for some makan2 or balik kampung time during this time also. Can you blame me if food in my kampong was all tasty & VERY delicious and I wouldn’t find them in KL, even my favourite lempeng nyior? See, it’s not my fault at all. It’s not my lack of determination; it’s just not polite to ignore the rezeki being offered to me. BTW, I am invited for some kenduri during the school holiday in about 1 week time? Why does everyone want to get married during school holiday??

I will go to bed earlier tonight, AND GO WALK tomorrow morning! Yes, I will wake up early, and after my solat subuh will go walk along Jalan Cempaka, turn right to Kg Pandan Dalam, then Taman Angsana Hilir, down to Desa Pandan, to Taman Maluri via Jalan Kg Pandan, then to Pandan Jaya, and Pandan Indah and back to where I started. That will be > 20km right? And again on Sunday & Monday. Oh, I so will be slimmer this Hari Raya. Perhaps, with a six pack to show off too? YOU will be updated on the progress, people, if you care to know.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

A friend of mine, an Indian lady at the office sent me this poem. Ever since he found out that I love to read, she always send me poems, short stories, quotes from famous people, etc. Some are really nice but none touch me the way this poem did.

“Daddy's Little Girl"
Her hair up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow
Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go
But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home
Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say
What to tell her classmates, on this Daddy's day
But still her mommy worried, for her to face this day alone
And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.

But the little girl went to school, eager to tell them all
About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls
There were daddies along the wall in back for everyone to meet.
Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats.

One by one the teacher called, a student from the class to introduce their daddy as seconds slowly passed.
At last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare
Each of them were searching, for a man who wasn't there
"Where's her daddy at?" she heard a boy call out
"She probably doesn't have one," another student dared to shout
And from somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say "Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy to waste his day."

The words did not offend her, as she smiled at her friends
And looked back at her teacher who told her to begin.
And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak and out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique.

"My Daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could, be with me on this day."
"And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know
All about my Daddy,
And how much he loves me so."

"He loved to tell me stories, he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses and taught me to fly a kite."
"We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him, I'm not standing here alone."
"Cause my Daddy's always with me, even though we are far apart.
I know because he told me, he's forever in my heart."

With that her little hand reached up, and lay across her chest
Feeling her own heartbeat, beneath her favorite dress.
And from some where in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years.
For she stood up for the love, of a man not in her life doing what was best for her, doing what was right.

And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft but its message clear and loud.
" I love my Daddy very much, he's my shining star, and if he could, he'd be here now but heaven is much to far."
"but sometimes when I close my eyes, it's like he never went away."
And then she closed her eyes, and she saw him there that day.

And to her mother's amazement she witnessed with surprise
A room full of Daddies and Children all starting to close their eyes.
Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside
Perhaps for merely a second they saw him at her side.

"I know you're with me Daddy," to the silence she called out
And what happened next made believers, of those once filled with doubt
Not one in that room could explain it for each of their eyes had been closed but there placed on her desk was a beautiful pink rose.

This poem was written by one Cheryl Costello-Forshey, for a little girl that lost her father in Gulf War. I may not agree with the war, but the feeling of loss is just as great whatever the reason was. I am not a girl, but I knew how it felt to lose one's father for I lost mine when I was 14. And I pray to Allah, never to take me away from my daughters until they've all grown up with a great family, extremely wonderful husband and an old father is no needed in their life. Hannah & Sarah, I LOVE YOU as you'd never be love by anyone, except your mother.

Sorry, tiba-tiba tersyahdu lak..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fun Sunday

IT"S SUNDAY today. So I took the wife and daughters to a playground in Taman Tasik Permaisuri, Cheras, the best playground in town. It's better than the one in KLCC or Taman Tasik Titiwangsa or Lake Garden or any other I ever took my girls to. Why, because it has lots of trees shading the playground. So it's cool and you can go there at 12pm and not worry that your kids ever get heatstroke.

We went there at 3pm, spent about 2 hours there playing, running, jumping & laughing. There's nothing more enjoyful to spent the hot Sunday afternoon then this.. Here is to share with you some photos from today's outing.


End of tunnel..
Take a break, have some ice cream..
Tired sister? Have some Milo Ais.
To the safe, familiar hands..

To wear or not to wear

I just came back from the department's dinner. Well, not actually my current department, but a former one until I was promoted and transferred to another unit last January. Yess, people, I was promoted to a higher rank, my second promotion in 1 1/2 years. Oh, what a valuable and talented employee I am (haha, saja nak naik lif tekan sendiri, if I don't, who would? you? Haha, moral of the story: IF you don't think highly of your ownself, no one would - believe me, I learned it first hand).

The dinner was fun & highly entertaining. How often would you find any chance to openly and acceptably ridicule you colleaques and bosses alike (and be ridiculed yourself in return). But it was all fun and I enjoy it greatly. The only setback was that I was seated at the VIP table, so I was not really enjoying it until I pretended somthing I moved to a table many of my friends were seated. Yelah, ngan bos2 ni gua mulut berat sikitla, nak cakap apa pun tak tau? Takkan nak citer pasal dvd cetak rompak kat pasar malam kot? So sorryla bosses, duduk ngan kwn2 lagi bestla, you all were too old for me (considering I am still not old lah).

Anyway, everytime this kind of function was organised, I always found myself amused by some female colleaque's act. You see, lots of my female colleagues wore tudung to work. Oh, so many coulurful tudung they wore. Tudung wardina lah, tudung bawal lah, tudung angkasawan lah, tudung berbungalah, bermaniklah, mcam-macam batulah, tudung bertopi kat depanlah, tudung yang macam ada songkok kat dalamlah (tingatlak aku kat kumpulan2 nasyid tahun 70an ataun 80an dulu), macam macam lagilah. Yang tak nampak lagi yg pakai tudung saji je.. In fact, some look very pious & solehah and very sejuk mata memandang. We even have some staff selling tudung during lunch hour to other staff (part time la tu..).

However, during the company function and this kind of dinner, a number of them suddenly went tudungless. I expect this would happen for I knew some does not ware tudung out of the office (for a few readyly told me so, some even have their tudung-less photos on their table). But to see than almost half of the female colleagues went free hair tonight, especially ones that look/acted pious that I dare not even talk to them for fear of offending them was something very disturbing to me. And with their variety of hairstyle and heavy make up, I almost did not recognise them until they came and talk to me.

I am fine with women not wearing tudung. If they were not my family members, than I have no opinion on them on this issue. However, if one was a tudung wearer, why put them away for the sake of a dinner? Why wear tudung today and not tomorrow? After all, it is not compulsory to wear tudung to work. Some female staff wore skirt and tight pants to work and it did not go against any office rule. So I always assume that any lady wearing tudung was due to their kesedaran hati that it was a requirement and the nawaitu of wearing tudung were their own keikhlasan. Well, I was wrong..

My point & opinion is : Don't wear tudung if only to be fashionable. Wear tudung with honesty. If you are the wearer, wear it at all necessary time, otherwise, don't wear it! Anyway, it's only an opinion and those whom didn't agree with it, is fine. FYI, I have no complaint against non tudung wearing ladies, I am only upset with tudung wearing ladies that for no acceptable reason, decided against wearing one. Well, people are difference.
