Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm a blogger, yay!

Yay, I'm blogging. I don't know why I want to to this, I just did. Mid life crisis at 38? Nay, too young to be in one. But even if so, it's better to suddenly have an urge to be a blogger than taking up 18 year old, super pretty and sexy Diana Danielle as second wife, right, dear (currently one and only) wife? Oh, however, if I ever to ask my mother to send a rombongan meminang, it will not be due to nafsu (tua already, mah, where got nafsu nafsi anymore) but strictly because of the good heart of mine so desire to protect a young helpless lady from the menaces of the world now that she is single (and surely lonely) after dumping her super duper rich and young and handsome kawan biasa cum boxing partner son of Dato Yusof Haslam. Besides, marrying me could ensure no PLKN for life for her (can you imagine that delicately soft skin of hers covered in mud, running around under the hot tropical sun, sleeping in tent in a jungle with nyamuk and all sort of wild animal like tigers, elephants, monkeys, men, etc around like normal 18 year old girl? She's a film star, people! Have some mercy). Oh! how good hearted almost middle class kind of a man I am. And, if you ever read this Diana, please contact me soonest, abang is forever willing to be your kawan biasa (see, I only want to be her kawan biasa, dear wife, nothing more, I swear. And because I am (a lot) older than she is, it's only polite that she call me Abang, right?).

Anyway, I have no agenda creating this blog. Because of so, I'll write of anything. Things that crosses my mind, or things that happens to me, or anything that I have any opinion on, even when it did not concern me, like LA Galaxy refusal to sell David Beckham to Real Madrid, good for you LA Galaxy. And when I'm done with the last 2 chapters of "My Name Is Red" by Orhan Pamuk I'm currently reading, I'll update you on what's happening in my life, if you care to know.

Write later.


amiechomel said...

i can't wait for more stories from you, hopefully blogging can heal your boredom with your job!

welcome to the blogging world!

don't forget to tell us about your current read! Mcm best jer my name is red tu!

4-a&nazrah said...

hehehe, nakal juga my brother ni ye...

amiechomel said...

aik, baru tau ke? hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Haha berani cakap je, ngan mem takut gak...